The custom profile was found in 1992 employing more than 150 employees and comprehensive dealing in making plastic products regarding appliances, furniture, navy and marine industries. Today the company has a finishing department, 2 manufacturing plants that run 24 X 7 X 365.
Why was the ERP software was initialized in the custom profile -
In the initial stage, the custom profile was growing rapidly with time and was hiring new employees. But in the initial stage, a combination of four software Access, Quickbooks, Excel and a home made software was used for collecting the data. There were always problems for system crashing and many data handling errors.
Besides this by using the four different systems, there was a much time needed for preparing the data of production related to bill of materials and inventory management and shipping was also not on time that is why, the whole company was in the complete cumbersome situation to maintain the required growth.
How was the ERP solution implemented in to the custom profile -
After a long intense evaluation of time, the custom profile selected the IQMS ERP software because of the providing of the intense integrated system for providing the complete data access.
The ERP software completely provided the facility to the company for viewing the material scheduling and inventory management properly and the sales staff could also see the proper quantity of the finished goods. The software can process the information of multiple plants and it also provided a brilliant reporting structure.
Benefits to the company -
saved time in data handling
improved inventory handling and quality control
Simple budgetary control and capacity planning
produces better reporting structure and real time monitoring
saved 35000$ in data entry cost
Also improved the warehouse management system.
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